Weed control in organic farming

Probably the most cost-intensive and time-consuming operation in organic farming is the elimination of weeds at different stages of plant development.
Due to the impossibility of herbicides application, the processing must be performed mechanically.
For this purpose farmers use a wide variety of rotary and striegel harrows, cultivators and tillers for interrow processing and weeding.
But the weather is providing adjustments into our plans, 2020 showed that a lot of rain in late spring as well as early summer does not allow tractors to work in the field.
In such state of things the weed is actively growing and starts "killing" the main crop.
And then comes the moment when you can drive into the field by a tractor but the usual tools are not effective anymore.
The specialists of PE “Agroremmash-Plus” in cooperation with the specialists of Private Agricultural Enterprise named after T.G. Shevchenko developed and produced the mechanism for cutting weeds on the late stage of their growth.
The mechanism is represented as a hydraulically folding frame with, with the working width of 9 meters , and 24 rotating blades.
Mounting is carried on the front tractor linkage; the knives are driven by the independent hydraulic system.
The working speed reaches up to 6 km / h, depending on the type of weeds and their density, which allows to process up to 5 ha / hour.
After cutting weeds are eliminated and don’t throw seeds, thereby there is no spreading over the field.
This weed control technology has been proven to be highly effective in many organic farms around the world.